Los agricultores de la UE siguen considerando al Mercosur como una amenaza
Oscar Guinea comments in Argentina's Noticias Agropecuarias about the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement and its impact on the agricultural...
¿Por qué son tan difíciles de aplicar las “cláusulas espejo” con Mercosur?
Oscar Guinea comments in EFE Agro about the use of mirror clauses in the EU-Mercosur Association...
Perspectives: Fish cake-ism casts shadow over EU-UK reset
David Henig looks into the potential implications of fisheries issues in the EU-UK reset in his Perspectives column for...
New trade era of rules and flag-waving
David Henig comments on the end of the golden era of free trade via Farmers...
Hard left turn could lead France to recognise Palestine state
Oscar Guinea comments in TRT on the French election results and its implications for France agricultural and environmental...
The EU has a chicken feet problem with China
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comments in the Financial Times on Chinese retaliation...
European Council Think Tank Review – May 2024
Two ECIPE studies are featured in the Think Tank Review of May 2024 curated by the European...
Beyond Barriers: Rethinking CAP to Enable Agricultural Export Diversity in the EU Neighbourhood
Third paper crafted in collaboration with Bertelsmann Stiftung under the "Sovereign Europe: Strategic Management of Global Interdependence" project...
EU trade policy serves Ukraine an unappetising menu
Oscar Guinea and Bruno Capuzzi's blog post "Grumbling in the Fields: EU Agriculture and Trade" mentioned in Alan Beattie's weekly Trade Secrets in...