Latest Publications
Future-proofing the EU’s Investment Attractiveness: A Bold Reform Agenda for Competition Enforcement, Taxation and Digital Policy
Reducing the deterrent effects from EU and Member State laws in three key cross-sector policy areas – competition policy, business taxes and VAT,...
A Strategy for a Competitive Europe: Boosting R&D, Unleashing Investment, and Reducing Regulatory Burdens
The EU stands at a crucial economic juncture. Economic growth in Europe's mature economies has stagnated, with productivity and other indicators of...
Reinventing Europe’s Single Market: A Way Forward to Align Ideals and Action
It is essential for EU institutions and Member State governments to shift their focus from the abstract concept of the "Single Market" to the...
The EU’s Trillion Dollar Gap in ICT and Cloud Computing Capacities: The Case for a New Approach to Cloud Policy
An inward-looking EU approach to cloud computing and data policies risks stifling innovation and competitiveness by promoting domestic champions at...
Time to Rethink Export Controls for Strengthened US-EU Cooperation and Global Trade Rules
The escalation of broad export controls by the US, under the guise of national security and the aim to curb technological transfers to potential...
ICT Beyond Borders: The Integral Role of US Tech in Europe’s Digital Economy
Contrary to political assertions about the vulnerability of digital services provided by non-EU companies, the strong presence and sunk costs...
Openness as Strength: The Win-Win in EU-US Digital Services Trade
The discourse surrounding the EU’s supposed over-reliance on digital services imports from non-EU countries, particularly the US, has been a...
How Huawei Weathered the Storm: Resilience, Market Conditions or Failed Sanctions?
Huawei is exhibiting stoic resilience in the face of US sanctions, economic downturns, and the slow pace of 5G investments. There is a narrative that...
German Industrial Competitiveness and the Metaverse
The metaverse is the next iteration of the internet as an immersive, 3D, virtual, shared world where activities can be carried out with the help of...
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen Industrie und das Metaverse
Das Metaverse ist die nächste Stufe des Internets, das virtuelle 3D-Umgebungen schafft, in denen virtuelle Erlebnisse mithilfe von erweiterten...