Europe Woos Japan
Carnegie Europe's "Strategic Europe" talks to Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on the wrap-up of EU-Japan FTA in...
Brexit and trade: what EU and WTO rules imply
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama speaks at Bruegel on Brexit: on WTO, FTAs, TRQs, CUs, RoO, CAP, TTIP and...
Wir sind auf den Handel angewiesen
Freiheit.org profiles Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on EU-New Zealand relations...
Theresa May will not find it easy to broker a US-UK trade deal
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama mentioned in the FT column on hurdles to PM May's UK-US FTA...
Liam Fox opens talks with WTO over terms of membership
FT discuss the process of establishing UK's new WTO schedules and TRQs with Hosuk...
Lest They Forget: NZ and the EU Today
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama interviewed by EU-New Zealand relations in Radio New Zealand...
DIE PERFEKTE PR-SCHLACHT – So erfolgreich arbeitet das Netzwerk der TTIP-Gegner
Matthias Bauer's findings on anit-TTIP campaign work published by DIE...
Pferd(e) und Reiter in den Protest-Kampagnen um TTIP in Deutschland und Europa
Matthias Bauer writes (in German) about horses and riders in the German and European protest movements against TTIP (and...
Brexit: “Massive unknowns” ahead – EU to get distracted from TTIP
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on UK trade policy after Brexit and expects phase-out of farming subsidies, advocating unilateral...
Green taxes, colour blind trade rules
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama's column on TTIP, WTO and environmental laws in...