Latest Publications
Russia’s Influence and Disinformation Campaign in Armenia
Often-overlooked developments in Armenia show how Western policy makers are failing to recognize and counteract the growing sophistication of...
Trade in the Great Sea: A Brief State of Play of EU-Southern Neighbourhood Trade Relations
The Mediterranean is a vibrant economic geography that could grow significantly. This paper reviews the trade relations between the EU and Southern...
Keeping Up with the US: Why Europe’s Productivity Is Falling Behind
The European Union stands at a crossroads. For decades, the EU’s productivity growth has consistently lagged the United States, leading to slower...
Trading Up: An EU Trade Policy for Better Market Access and Resilient Sourcing
Europe’s competitiveness could be substantially improved by a trade policy that facilitates more trade and other forms of cross-border exchange....
Time to Rethink Export Controls for Strengthened US-EU Cooperation and Global Trade Rules
The escalation of broad export controls by the US, under the guise of national security and the aim to curb technological transfers to potential...
ICT Beyond Borders: The Integral Role of US Tech in Europe’s Digital Economy
Contrary to political assertions about the vulnerability of digital services provided by non-EU companies, the strong presence and sunk costs...
Openness as Strength: The Win-Win in EU-US Digital Services Trade
The discourse surrounding the EU’s supposed over-reliance on digital services imports from non-EU countries, particularly the US, has been a...
Calling on the EU-US Trade and Technology Council: How to Deliver for the Planet and the Economy
This Policy Brief proposes the establishment of an agreement on conformity assessment between the EU and the US that covers machinery and electrical...
How Huawei Weathered the Storm: Resilience, Market Conditions or Failed Sanctions?
Huawei is exhibiting stoic resilience in the face of US sanctions, economic downturns, and the slow pace of 5G investments. There is a narrative that...
EU–ASEAN: Shared Objectives, Severed Trust
Co-authored with Joses Wong, Secretary-General of ASEANCHAM EU After 45 years of diplomatic dialogue, EU-ASEAN relations continue to dawdle,...