Удастся ли Египту заменить Турцию на российском рынке? [Egypt to replace Turkish trade on the Russian market]
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama appears in BBC Russia to speak on Russia's sanctions against Turkey...
European Parliament Hearing on Trade Relations with Australia and New Zealand
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama appearing in the hearing on EU-Australia/New Zealand relations in the European Parliament with trade minister Tim...
What’s in a name? U.S, EU battle over ‘feta’ in trade talks
Reuters interview Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on geographical indications (GIs) in...
Cover up?
ShareRadio UK interviews Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on, you know, TTIP transparency, lobbying, agriculture and geographical...
Lentidão e fraca coesão do Mercosul diminuem interesse da UE (Slow, weak cohesion of Mercosur weaken interest of the EU)
Deutsche Welle interviews Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on EU-CELAC summit and the fate of the EU-Mercosur FTA...
Biofuels reform in the EU and the World Trade Organisation
Presentation at ECIPE Seminar on August 5,...
欧美酝酿成立世界最大自贸区 [EU and US set up the world’s largest free trade area]
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama in China Business...
The rise of green protectionism
Presentation by Fredrik Erixon at ECIPE seminar on green...
EU Food Security, the Rhetoric and Reality
Article in European Voice by Valentin...
Should the UK squeeze the EU budget or lead Europe
Article by Valentin Zahrnt in European...