Trade policy and COVID-19: Openness and cooperation in times of a pandemic
Covid-19 has hit the world very hard in general and some regions so far in particular (e.g. China, Europe, US) over the past three months. The deep level of interconnectedness between countries and...
Globalisation after COVID-19
It is certain that the world will overcome the COVID-19 crisis, as much as it is certain that in the aftermath the world will look different with regards to global trade. International trade patterns...
A Global Effort to Win the War Against COVID-19
We are at war. But this war is different. There is no visible enemy, no border, no ideological divide. And yet, as in the past century’s conflicts, our lifestyle changed, our habits are hit by...
Coronavirus and trade – reflecting today’s messy globalisation
Introduction The bravest prediction in the midst of a crisis is that nothing will change as a result. Typically at such times, the optimists hope that a crisis will be the incentive to fix the...
Government and Coronavirus
I’m not a coronavirus expert. Trade, economics and politics is my field. I had to look up the spelling of epidemiologist for this article and I’m definitely not one. But just as trade deals are...
Trade Policy and the Fight Against Coronavirus
The economic impact of the coronavirus or COVID-19 will be dramatic and long-lasting. Governments across the world have put in place extraordinary economic measures to support their health systems...
A European industrial policy for services: the Single Market
Industrial policy is back on the European agenda. Inside the European Commission headquarters, policy makers are fiercely discussing the instruments, sectors, and ways of funding for a new European...
The UK up and running in the WTO: how fast, how far can it go?
After Brexit, our attention to UK trade policy has focused mostly on future FTAs, and in particular trade negotiations between the UK and the EU. But another front has quietly been...
Market Structures in Services
Services have long been thought to suffer from a productivity problem. In fact, there is a long-standing concern that services add little to the economy. Particularly compared to manufacturing, which...
NGO Lobbying – How to Ensure Accountability and Transparency at the EU Level
On January 22, the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies and ECIPE hosted a seminar on the accountability and transparency of the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) funded by the EU. The...