Do Data Policy Restrictions Inhibit Trade in Services?
This paper examines whether restrictive data policies impact trade in services over the internet. We have collected comparable information on a...
Do Data Policy Restrictions Impact the Productivity Performance of Firms and Industries?
This paper examines how policies regulating the cross-border movement and domestic use of electronic data on the internet impact the productivity of...
In Search of an Effective Trade Policy for the Film Industry: Lessons from Korea
This article explores which trade-related policies are effective – that is both economically and culturally sound – to promote the film...
Wrestling with or Embracing Digitization in the Music Industry: The Contrasting Business Strategies of J-pop and K-pop
Digitization has significantly changed the process for producing and consuming music: from analogue to digital, albums to songs, possess to...
Reforming Services: What Policies Warrant Attention?
Economic growth in the European Union has been low for more than a decade now. While some of the poor performance can be explained by the crisis, the...
Innovation and the Economics of Healthcare: The Case of Blood Cancer
While innovation is central for the quality of healthcare and improving health outcomes, it is also a source of increasing costs for governments....
Turning the Single Digital Market into a House of Cards? The European Local Content Quota on Netflix
On May 25, 2016, the Commission proposed to amend two dozen articles of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (hereafter the “Directive”). One...
Addressing the Regulatory Divergences in the Medical Devices Sector
Medical devices are not just simple commodities. They are the result of decades of research and development and scientific advancement, and...
The Secret to the Success of K-pop: The Benefits of Well-Balanced Copyrights
Today’s mantra in many political and business circles is that stringent copyrights are needed for fostering cultural creativity and that...
Who Reforms for Higher Productivity?
With weak European growth performance over a longer period of time, it is time to push reforms raising the rate of productivity growth. The EU’s...