Latest Publications
Prosperity and Resilience: Diverse Production and Comparative Advantage in Modern Economies
A common version of trade theory suggests that countries will specialise in a limited number of products. Using the example of David Ricardo from...
Services Trade Needs to be Taken as Seriously as Goods Trade
Services constitute at least a quarter of total trade. Between 2009 and 2019 global services trade increased by nearly 50%, compared to 18% for goods...
Shifting into Digital Services: Does a Crisis Matter and for Who?
How do trade patterns change after an external shock such as an economic crisis, and is this shift structural? This paper uses a...
Europas Streben nach Technologiesouveränität: Chancen und Risiken für Deutschland und die Europäische Union
In den vergangenen Monaten wurden von einigen führenden Europapolitikern Strategien zur Erreichung einer sog. „europäischen...
Discrimination, Exclusion and Environmental Harm: Why EU Lawmakers Need to Ban Freight Transport Restrictions to Save the Single Market
The EU’s Mobility Package 1 legislative proposal was once intended to improve the working conditions of truck and small-van drivers in the EU....
Europe’s Quest for Technology Sovereignty: Opportunities and Pitfalls
Covid-19 and its broader implications have highlighted the importance of Europe’s digital transformation to ensure Europeans’ social and economic...
Patterns of Trade Restrictiveness in Online Platforms: A First Look
This paper develops a digital platform restrictiveness index for 64 countries based on ECIPE’s Digital Trade Estimates (DTE) database and the...
Fan Entrepreneurship: Fandom, Agency, and the Marketing of Hallyu in Israel
While the overall majority of Hallyu research has looked at the way fans consume Korean popular culture and how it influences their identity, this...
Increasing Opportunity and Value in the Cultural Industries: A Comparative Analysis of the Successful Clusters and Implications for Hallyu
Despite the growing digitalization and globalisation, the industrial map of the world remains to display high-level concentration of resources and...
Hallyuwood: Korea’s Comparative Advantage in the Global Motion Picture Industry
After Hollywood and Bollywood, the recent success of the Korean motion picture industry has been described as the rise of “Hallyuwood,”...