Latest Publications
A Retrospective on the Korean Film Policies: Return of the Jedi
The Korean film industry offers a remarkably successful and fascinating story all the more because it was largely unexpected. Almost totally...
The French Audiovisual Policy: An Evaluation
The two last years have witnessed a hot debate in France on whether the current French audiovisual policy has had a positive or a negative impact on...
La politique audiovisuelle française: a bout de souffle
Ces deux dernières années, la France a connu un vif débat sur l’impact de la politique audiovisuelle actuelle sur le rayonnement de la culture...
Negotiating Trade in Services: Lessons From Autonomous Liberalisation
Greater trade openness in services is central for new trade agreements to boost trade and economic growth. A sector often neglected in past trade...
OECD BEPS: Reconciling Global Trade, Taxation Principles and the Digital Economy
Following media reports on the low tax rates paid by some of the world’s largest multinationals, international tax reform has moved to the top of...
The Costs of Data Localisation: A Friendly Fire on Economic Recovery
This paper aims to quantify the losses that result from data localisation requirements and related data privacy and security laws that discriminate...
The Internationalization of the Renminbi and the Rise of a Multipolar Currency System
The dollar’s steady depreciation has had little impact on the official reserves of central banks. As scholars of the international monetary system...
Why Are Services Commitments in RTAs Stronger than in the GATS? Trade Policy Implications for TTIP
Recent studies demonstrate a clear pattern in services commitments. They show that commitments in most services RTAs around the world are stronger...
EU Policies on Online Entrepreneurship: Conversations with U.S. Venture Capitalists
This paper examines the role of policy for creating an attractive atmosphere for venture capital investments in online start-ups and...
Money Mischief in the Eurozone: Reforming the European Monetary Union
The European Central Bank has been a source of monetary disorder in the Eurozone. It was complicit in creating a huge asset bubble and growing...