Latest Publications
The True Impact of Shorter and Longer Copyright Durations: From Authors’ Earnings to Cultural Creativity and Diversity
In the mainstream, there has been a strong advocacy to prolong copyright duration. This makes it an important task to rigorously examine if...
Unintended and Unattended Consequences: The Opportunity Costs of Reducing Exclusivity Rights for Intellectual Property
The European Commission is reviewing the use of supplementary protection certificates (SPCs), a patent term extension motivated by the increasing...
The Search for Solutions to Save the WTO Appellate Body
Robert McDougall is an independent trade law consultant based in Geneva, Switzerland. He is also Senior Fellow at the Centre for International...
The WTO’s Upcoming Ministerial Conference: A Tango or a Tangle in Buenos Aires?
In two weeks’ time trade ministers will gather in Buenos Aires for the WTO’s 11th Ministerial Conference. What is in prospect, and does it...
Restrictions to Cross-Border Data Flows: a Taxonomy
Strict privacy regimes, requests to use local data centres and outright bans to transfer data abroad are a few examples of policies imposed recently...
New Coalitions for Europe’s Digital Future – Building Capacity, Improving Performance
In Europe’s digital policy, digital managerialists, digital frontrunners, and digital convergers have emerged as coalitions among EU member states....
Standard Essential Patents and the Quest for Faster Diffusion of Technology
Standard-essential patents (SEPs) have been critical to the ICT revolution. SEPs have allowed for the fast rates of innovation diffusion that the...
The Compounding Effect of Tariffs on Medicines: Estimating the Real Cost of Emerging Markets’ Protectionism
Even low import tariff rates have a significant compounding effect on the final retail price of medicines, which in turn impacts on affordability....
The Success of K-pop. How Big and Why So Fast?
Over the past decade, a specific form of Korean popular music—K-pop—has enjoyed huge success around the world. Previous explanations have mostly...
China’s Technology Protectionism and iIts Non-negotiable Rationales
China's restrictions on the internet and the ICT sector are tightening, with over 50 measures targeting this sector implemented just in the last...