Latest Publications
Globalisation Comes to the Rescue: How Dependency Makes Us More Resilient
A new consensus is growing across the European Union – and other parts of the world too: that globalisation has gone too far. The argument goes as...
Understanding Film Co-Production in the Era of Globalisation: A Value Chain Approach
The film industry is closely linked to the nation’s culture and economy. With globalisation, however, it has become more engaged in...
The Digital Transformation of the Korean Music Industry and the Global Emergence of K-Pop
There are a number of voices who blame digitization for having a number of negative effects on the music industry including a decline in album sales,...
Globalisation Isn’t in Decline: It’s Changing
Globalisation isn’t in decline; it is simply changing. Although the COVID-19 crisis has seen a dramatic decline in goods trade, investments and the...
Shifting into Digital Services: Does a Crisis Matter and for Who?
How do trade patterns change after an external shock such as an economic crisis, and is this shift structural? This paper uses a...
The myth of subsidies in the film industry: a comparative analysis of European and US approaches
It has been widely believed that subsidies can help revive film industries, but the link between the intent and the actual results deserves more...
Unintended and Undesired Consequences: The Impact of OECD Pillar I and II Proposals on Small Open Economies
Corporate tax laws vary significantly between different jurisdictions. Over the past four decades, governments globally competed for business...
Europas Streben nach Technologiesouveränität: Chancen und Risiken für Deutschland und die Europäische Union
In den vergangenen Monaten wurden von einigen führenden Europapolitikern Strategien zur Erreichung einer sog. „europäischen...
The Tragedy of International Organizations in a World Order in Turmoil
By Jean-Jacques Hallaert, Member of the Groupe d’Economie Mondiale (GEM) at Sciences Po. China’s rise and the U.S. response to the perceived...
Ambition on Unstable Foundations: The UK Trade Policy Readiness Assessment 2020
The UK’s road to an independent trade policy has reached a critical moment. Within the next six months Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) containing long...