Erik van der Marel
Office: +32 (0) 2 289 1350 Mobile: +32 (0) 499 053 104
Areas of Expertise: EU Trade Agreements Services Digital Economy WTO and Globalisation Russia & Eurasia

Erik van der Marel is a Chief Economist at ECIPE, Associate Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and Consultant Economist at the World Bank. His areas of expertise are in digital trade, services trade, cross-border data flows, and their associated digital services trade policy.
Prior to his appointment at ECIPE, Erik was a full-time lecturing at the London School of Economics (LSE) where he taught international trade at post-graduate level. In the past, Erik also gained various professional experience as a consultant at the, OECD, APEC, ADBI, and the World Bank Trade Research Department. Erik received his PhD in economics from Sciences-Po Paris and did his post-doctorate at the LSE, too.
Erik has published peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, working papers and reports, and made contributions to ECIPE, the World Bank, and ADBI on digital trade and services, domestic regulations in digital services trade and data flows. He has also provided various capacity building courses for policy makers at National Ministries and taught at the European University Institute (EUI) and World Trade Institute (WTI).
To access personal website of Erik go here.
ECIPE Occasional Papers
Artificial Intelligence and the Clustering of Human Capital: The Risks for Europe
Co-authored with Bjӧrn Brey, University of Oxford (Nuffield College) & ECARES (ULB). Europe trails the global frontier of productivity growth and the region’s trend is sluggish. Much prospective economic growth for Europe is likely to come from AI and its adoption by European firms which is projected to shoot up the productivity trend. For such AI-generated growth to work, high levels of human capital need to be available for firms, in particular...
ECIPE Policy Briefs
The Economic Dividend of Competitiveness
In a world of technological and economic rivalry, the EU must devote increased attention to its competitiveness. Higher levels of competitiveness will help the EU build a more prosperous economy which will in turn produce innovation and resources to address the great challenges of our time. ECIPE published a study presenting a competitiveness compass with concrete policy recommendations that will improve EU’s competitiveness. These policy recommendations,...
ECIPE Occasional Papers
A Compass to Guide EU Policy in Support of Business Competitiveness
The EU agenda for improving competitiveness is missing in action. Economic competitiveness has been a central plank in the development of the European Union – a relentless quest for policies that lead to more prosperity and that make European companies in world markets more successful. However, since the end of the Lisbon Agenda in 2010, economic competitiveness seems to have fallen off the EU map. This Agenda had its flaws, but it rightly sought to make Europe...
ECIPE Occasional Papers
Leadership in European Digital Policy: Future Role and Direction for the D9+ Group
In this paper, we will discuss how Europe makes digital policy and how its digital economic performance can be improved. The focus is on the D9+ initiative. Launched in 2016 on the initiative of former Swedish trade minister, Ann Linde, nine countries with a particular interest in matters of the digital economy met to learn from each other and seek common ground on policy issues. On occasions, the D9+ Group has issued joint statements relating to regulatory...
Media Mention
Data Localization: India’s Tryst with Data Sovereignty
The study "The Costs of Data Localisation: Friendly Fire On Economic Recovery" by Matthias Bauer, Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, Erik van der Marel and Bert Verschelde is referenced in an opinion of the
Media Mention
China’s Restrictive Data Regime Forecloses Opportunities for Economic Growth
The study "Regulating the Globalisation of Data: Which Model Works Best?" by Erik van der Marel is cited in an analysis by Domino Theory.
Media Mention
Waarom de EU de race tegen de VS verliest
Erik van der Marel shares insights in De Morgen on the EU economy's performance compared to the US.
Media Mention
Impact of the digital trade on lowering carbon emissions in 46 countries
The study "Digital Trade Restrictiveness Index" by Martina Ferracane, Hosuk Lee-Makiyama and Erik van der Marel is referenced in an article for Nature.
Europe’s digital competitiveness: where east meets west and not just Germany benefits
Erik van der Marel writes a blog for the Hertie School of Governance.
Adequacy can boost digital trade with the EU
Erik van der Marel research on global data models in the Financial Times.
The trade effects of EU adequacy decisions
Erik van der Marel has a VoxEU column on the role of adequacy for digital trade
A European industrial policy for services: the Single Market
Philipp Lamprecht, Erik van der Marel & Oscar Guinea write about Industrial Policy for Encompass
Book or Paper
Digital Trade, Data Protection and the EU Adequacy Club
Erik van der Marel has an external publication at the Centre for European Policy Research (CEPR).
Book or Paper
The role of human-capital in artificial intelligence adoption
Erik van der Marel and Björn Brey publish in Economic Letters.
Book or Paper
Governing personal data and trade in digital services
Erik van der Marel and Martina Ferracane categorise 143 countries’ data regulations into open, conditional, or control models in their latest paper.
Book or Paper
The Extraterritorial Impact of EU Digital Regulations: How Can the EU Minimise Adverse Effects for the Neighbourhood?
Second paper crafted in collaboration with Bertelsmann Stiftung under the "Sovereign Europe: Strategic Management of Global Interdependence" project focusing on the effects of EU Digital Regulation.
Speech or Presentation
Understanding the development impact of digital services trade
Erik van der Marel presents at the UNCTAD e-Commerce week in a panel together with GIZ and the World Bank.
Speech or Presentation
The CPTPP and UK’s accession: What global implications? Case of services
Erik van der Marel comments on the economic rationales for the UK in joining CPTPP
Speech or Presentation
Data and Services Trade: Regulatory Options for a New Globalisation
Erik van der Marel presents on data and new globalisation, including the regulatory options, for IIFT Economics Society
Speech or Presentation
To Adequate or Not to Adequate? What are the Trade Effects?
Erik van der Marel presents on adequacy and digital services trade at the World Trade Forum