Korean Dramas and Films: Key Factors for Their International Competitiveness
The Korean wave, which is the popularity of Korean entertainment outside Korea, is a fairly new phenomenon. Encompassing Korean dramas,...
Sectoral and Plurilateral Approaches in Services Negotiations: Before and After TISA
by Michitaka Nakatomi, Consulting Fellow, RIETI With the stagnation of services negotiations under the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Trade in...
The Health of Nations: A Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agenda for Better Healthcare
Today, increases in the demand for healthcare are driving European governments to look for ways to control growth in healthcare expenditures and at...
Positioning on the Global Value Chain Map: Where do You Want to Be?
*Senior Economics at ECIPE in Brussels (erik.vandermarel@ecipe.org). The author wishes to thank Maria Salfi for excellent research...
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: An Accident Report
This Policy Brief is co-authored with Bob Vastine and J Bradford Jensen The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was...
The ECB’s Ad hoc Monetary Policy: Will its Lack of Forward Guidance Finally Burst the Eurozone?
Most experts agree that central banks need to provide "forward guidance" for monetary policy to be effective. But exactly what forward guidance is...
Les Fonds Souverains de Brevets (FSB) :Un nouvel instrument de défense commerciale?
La prolifération des fonds souverains de brevets (FSB) fait peu débat alors même qu’il existe une demande croissante en faveur de règles, au...
Sovereign Patent Funds (SPFs): Next-generation Trade Defence?
While there is an increasing demand for a discipline in the next generation FTAs that restricts SOEs in international trade, there is less debate on...
A Retrospective on the Korean Film Policies: Return of the Jedi
The Korean film industry offers a remarkably successful and fascinating story all the more because it was largely unexpected. Almost totally...
The French Audiovisual Policy: An Evaluation
The two last years have witnessed a hot debate in France on whether the current French audiovisual policy has had a positive or a negative impact on...