Latest Publications
Investment Openness in Europe: Investment Screening and Implications for EU-China Investment Relations
In the context of the proposal to establish an EU investment screening framework and the ongoing negotiations of the EU-China investment agreement,...
Online Platforms, Economic Integration and Europe’s Rent-Seeking Society: Why Online Platforms Deliver on What EU Governments Fail to Achieve
Online platforms create “more perfect” markets. Online platforms are a market-driven cure to the imperfections of the EU’s incomplete Single...
Cooperation in Europe’s Digital Economy: How do Countries Position Themselves?
Members of the European Union have different positions on matters of digital openness, and those differences typically reflect how the digital sector...
The Next Steps for the Digital Single Market: From Where do We Start?
Digitization has been a boon to the European economy. However, the Digital Single Market remains an aspiration rather than a reality, and European...
Do Data Policy Restrictions Inhibit Trade in Services?
This paper examines whether restrictive data policies impact trade in services over the internet. We have collected comparable information on a...
The Swiss Cheese of Trade Policy: The Case Against Product Exclusions in Trade Agreements
There have been calls to exclude certain products from trade agreements because they cause damages to public health or the environment. Lately,...
The UK’s First International Trade Negotiation – Agriculture at the WTO
There are few issues that cause more controversy in international trade policy than agriculture. The EU’s overall agriculture policy, including...
Five Questions about the Digital Services Tax to Pierre Moscovici
The European Commission has recently proposed to upend decades of international tax cooperation and introduce a new three percent tax on corporate...
Europe and South-East Asia: An Exercise in Diplomatic Patience
The EU is hoping to revive the negotiations for a region-to-region agreement with the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), but few...
Assessing UK Trade Policy Readiness
The UK is setting out on the path of an independent trade policy at a difficult time. Public interest in trade policy has never been greater, with US...