Latest Publications
We Need to Talk Trade and Technology!
“It’s May 3, 2021. Don’t forget to upgrade the embedded software in your shoes before you go for a run!” This may sound like a commercial...
“Too Big to Care” or “Too Big to Share”: The Digital Services Act and the Consequences of Reforming Intermediary Liability Rules
This paper reviews the Digital Services Act (DSA), a package of new rules for platforms proposed by the European Commission late last year. The paper...
What is Wrong with the German Economy? The Case for Openness to Technology and Human Capital
Advanced economies like Germany need to focus more on attracting foreign high-skilled labour and become better at importing foreign technology and...
Digital Futures for Europe
By Meelis Kitsing, Professor and Rector, Estonian Business School. There isn’t one model for success in the digital future; there are...
Economic Costs of Ex ante Regulations
Regulations are an indispensable part of an economy and are proven to generate a significant impact on the economic, environment and social...
Open RAN: The Technology, its Politics and Europe’s Response
This policy brief explores the implications of Open RAN concept and its technical and political developments in the mobile network industry. Open...
Shifting into Digital Services: Does a Crisis Matter and for Who?
How do trade patterns change after an external shock such as an economic crisis, and is this shift structural? This paper uses a...
Unintended and Undesired Consequences: The Impact of OECD Pillar I and II Proposals on Small Open Economies
Corporate tax laws vary significantly between different jurisdictions. Over the past four decades, governments globally competed for business...
Europas Streben nach Technologiesouveränität: Chancen und Risiken für Deutschland und die Europäische Union
In den vergangenen Monaten wurden von einigen führenden Europapolitikern Strategien zur Erreichung einer sog. „europäischen...
Europe’s Quest for Technology Sovereignty: Opportunities and Pitfalls
Covid-19 and its broader implications have highlighted the importance of Europe’s digital transformation to ensure Europeans’ social and economic...