Latest Publications
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen Industrie und das Metaverse
Das Metaverse ist die nächste Stufe des Internets, das virtuelle 3D-Umgebungen schafft, in denen virtuelle Erlebnisse mithilfe von erweiterten...
Regulating the Working Conditions of Platform Work: What Can We Learn from EU Member States?
Policymakers in Estonia, France, Greece, and Spain share the common objective of enhancing the working conditions of platform workers. However,...
The Economic Impacts of the Proposed EUCS Exclusionary Requirements: Estimates for EU Member States
The EU Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) is proposing a far-reaching “European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud...
Merger Policy, Competition and Innovation Leadership: Implications for the UK’s Investment Attractiveness
The UK’s competition regulator has adopted hard-sitting views in its assessment of transnational mergers and acquisitions. Since 2019, the...
Online Platform Regulation and Investment Attractiveness: A Look at the EU, the UK and Impacts on Small Open Economies
Small trade- and investment-oriented economies like the United Kingdom (UK) should carefully consider whether to regulate online platform services...
Increasing Systemic Legal Risks in the EU: The Economic Impacts of Changes to the EU’s Product Liability Legislation
The EU’s Product Liability Directive (PLD) determines the rules for strict product liability in the EU. It establishes a framework in which...
Building Resilience? The Cybersecurity, Economic & Trade Impacts of Cloud Immunity Requirements
EU Member States should call on the EU’s Cybersecurity Agency (ENISA) and the European Commission to abandon immunity requirements in the...
Leadership in European Digital Policy: Future Role and Direction for the D9+ Group
In this paper, we will discuss how Europe makes digital policy and how its digital economic performance can be improved. The focus is on the D9+...
After the DMA, the DSA and the New AI Regulation: Mapping the Economic Consequences of and Responses to New Digital Regulations in Europe
The European Union (EU) has pursued an ambitious agenda for regulating the digital economy, and it is now planning to establish a new package of...
The EU Digital Markets Act: Assessing the Quality of Regulation
The proposed Digital Markets Act (DMA) is an opportunity to prevent and remedy anti-competitive conduct by large digital platforms. If the Act is...