Latest Publications
Calling on the EU-US Trade and Technology Council: How to Deliver for the Planet and the Economy
This Policy Brief proposes the establishment of an agreement on conformity assessment between the EU and the US that covers machinery and electrical...
Regulating the Working Conditions of Platform Work: What Can We Learn from EU Member States?
Policymakers in Estonia, France, Greece, and Spain share the common objective of enhancing the working conditions of platform workers. However,...
Strategic Autonomy and the Competitiveness of Europe’s Innovative Pharmaceutical Sector: A Wake-up Call
It is high time for Europe to break its relative decline in the pharmaceutical sector. Europe used to be the preeminent region in the world for...
The New Globalisation: SMEs and International Trade – The Supply Chain is as Important as Direct Exports
The disproportionately small share of exports from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is a cause of concern in modern trade policy. For developed...
When the State Becomes the Only Buyer: Monopsony in China’s Public Procurement of Medical Technology
China’s centralised state procurement policies are moving the Chinese market of medical technologies in a monopsonistic direction. A monopsony...
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who Has the Fairest Clauses of Us All? Stress-testing the Application of Mirror Clauses to Pesticides
In less than six months, ‘mirror clauses’ have taken EU trade policy by storm. To inject ‘reciprocity’ in trading terms, the French...
Strategic Autonomy and Long-term Innovation Competitiveness: On the Importance of Intellectual Property Rights for the Production of High-Value Medicines in the EU
Europe’s political leaders have in recent months called for “European industrial autonomy”. Notions of dependency, sovereignty and resilience...
Prosperity and Resilience: Diverse Production and Comparative Advantage in Modern Economies
A common version of trade theory suggests that countries will specialise in a limited number of products. Using the example of David Ricardo from...
The Future of EU Leadership in the Car Industry: Still Global
Automotive is Europe’s key export industry, an important contributor to the EU economy, from balance of payments to employment, and a...
Europe’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: Time to Go Back to the Drawing Board
This Policy Brief takes stock of the global and European trade and carbon-emission effects from CBAM. It argues that the current design of the CBAM...