Latest Publications
The Divergent Paths of Digital Music Service Providers: A Comparative Case Study of Melon and Spotify
Paper presented at the Special Issue International Conference: 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between the Kingdom of Sweden and the...
Europe and South-East Asia: Shifting from Diplomacy to Unilateralism
• The postponement of the planned ‘strategic partnership' between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the EU highlights deep...
Standing Up for Competition: Market Concentration, Regulation, and Europe’s Quest for a New Industrial Policy
After the failed merger of Alstom and Siemens – the two giants of Europe´s railway manufacturing sector – the French and the German governments...
Sweden, UK and the EU: Managing post-Brexit Relations and Defining a new Agenda for European Competitiveness
There is an urgent need to move on from the shock of the UK’s vote to leave the European Union, and all the melodrama in the past two years over...
Patterns of Trade Restrictiveness in Online Platforms: A First Look
This paper develops a digital platform restrictiveness index for 64 countries based on ECIPE’s Digital Trade Estimates (DTE) database and the...
Fan Entrepreneurship: Fandom, Agency, and the Marketing of Hallyu in Israel
While the overall majority of Hallyu research has looked at the way fans consume Korean popular culture and how it influences their identity, this...
Increasing Opportunity and Value in the Cultural Industries: A Comparative Analysis of the Successful Clusters and Implications for Hallyu
Despite the growing digitalization and globalisation, the industrial map of the world remains to display high-level concentration of resources and...
Hallyuwood: Korea’s Comparative Advantage in the Global Motion Picture Industry
After Hollywood and Bollywood, the recent success of the Korean motion picture industry has been described as the rise of “Hallyuwood,”...
Building Consistent Policies on Subsidies in the Film Industry: Institutions and Instruments in France and Korea
This paper explores a much-neglected aspect of cultural policies: the role of the institutions in charge and the way they use the instruments at...
The Next Growth Strategy for Hallyu: A Comparative Analysis of Global Entertainment Firms
Previous policy approaches on Hallyu have been focused on the role of government engagement, particularly in fostering diversity and equal business...