Biden’s win creates a new global trade challenge – delivering results
President Biden will enter the White House to considerable goodwill from an international community mostly relieved that they don’t have to put up with another four years of President Trump. The...
Episode 39: Re-shoring and the end of globalisation with Maria Sokolova
Covid-19 turned the world upside down. Globalisation is no longer seen as a force for good but a source of uncertainty. The second wave of Covid-19 has reignited discussions among political leaders...
Episode 37: Globalisation Comes to the Rescue with Oscar Guinea
A new consensus is growing across the European Union – and other parts of the world too: that globalisation has gone too far. The argument goes as follows: as an exchange for higher efficiency and...
Blockchain for Trade: the next gold standard or the fool’s gold?
In the movie “Gold”, a small, struggling mining entrepreneur looking for gold goes from bankruptcy to a 6 billion dollar mining empire, and then bankruptcy again. Bear with me, there is a link...
Preparing for COVID-20
If there were to be another pandemic, what would you have done differently? This question should be at the front of any policy-maker. Covid-19 has been costly but some countries have coped better...
Episode 33: Learning to Love Trade Again with Frank Lavin
Global trade policy is in poor health. The relevance and integrity of the WTO have been eroded. Trade wars and commercial frictions have replaced the past spirit of gradually expanding the scope for...
A Global Agreement on Medical Equipment and Supplies to fight COVID-19
The trade answer to the coronavirus crisis has been a mix of openness and protectionism. Countries have lowered import duties (examples here, here, and here), imposed export restrictions (here and...
Coronavirus does not mean the end of globalisation
The world of trade will change for ever. Globalisation is dead. Supply chains will become shorter, and less complex. The nation state is back. Except for China, which is in big trouble. That’s a...
How We Made a Top-Ranking Guide to Globalisation
By Melina Kolb, Digital Communications Manager at the Peterson Institute for International Economics The Peterson Institute recently experimented with creating its first longform online feature...