Philipp Lamprecht
Mobile: +32 (0)499 053 102
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Areas of Expertise: WTO and Globalisation EU Trade Agreements Digital Economy

Philipp Lamprecht is Director at the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) in charge of overseeing fundraising activities, in addition to his trade economist research work.
Before joining ECIPE, he worked as an External Consultant to the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate, specifically on a project analysing trade in services. He has also worked as a Senior Consultant of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) on a variety of projects for the European Commission, including several Trade Sustainability Impact Assessments of EU Free Trade Agreement negotiations (DG Trade), and a EuropeAid project focusing on capacity building in the Caribbean region for the implementation of the EU-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement. He has gained work experience at the European Commission’s DG Trade, working with trade negotiators on EU-Japan economic and trade relations. He is also a member of Tutwa Europe’s economic policy expert network and a Senior Research Associate at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies.
He holds a PhD from the LSE with a specialisation on International Political Economy. The PhD thesis, which he finished in 2014, lays a focus on economic diplomacy and bargaining power in international and multilateral trade negotiations. He holds a double master’s degree in International Relations from Sciences Po Paris and from the University of St. Gallen. He also studied Japanese Studies at the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.
ECIPE Occasional Papers
The Impact of Increased Mass Litigation in Europe
The purpose of this study is to better understand the growth of mass litigation in the European Union (EU) and its economic consequences. European authorities have long encouraged consumers to seek redress through private litigation in European competition law and, more recently, they have shifted their focus towards collective actions in a broad range of areas, including data privacy and product liability. Facilitating access to justice through collective actions...
ECIPE Policy Briefs
Trading Up: An EU Trade Policy for Better Market Access and Resilient Sourcing
Europe’s competitiveness could be substantially improved by a trade policy that facilitates more trade and other forms of cross-border exchange. The evidence is clear: the EU trades less with the rest of the world than would be expected given the size of its economy. With 85 percent of global growth happening outside of the EU – and with an increasing share of all new technologies, innovations, patents, human capital, and R&D expenditure emerging in other...
ECIPE Policy Briefs
Calling on the EU-US Trade and Technology Council: How to Deliver for the Planet and the Economy
This Policy Brief proposes the establishment of an agreement on conformity assessment between the EU and the US that covers machinery and electrical equipment. The initiative aims to increase the number of European and US conformity assessment bodies authorized to test and certify EU and US machinery and electrical equipment for exports into each other’s markets, without recognizing the equivalency or otherwise altering the product requirements in regulation,...
ECIPE Occasional Papers
The Economic Impacts of the Proposed EUCS Exclusionary Requirements: Estimates for EU Member States
The EU Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) is proposing a far-reaching “European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services“ (EUCS) to be established in the European Union (EU). According to the latest draft of August 2023, leaked by Politico in September 2023, the proposed EUCS would by design prevent non-European vendors from providing “high assurance level” cloud services in the EU. In this study, we show that the proposed...
Media Mention
AB Sınırda Karbon Düzenlemesi Mekanizması’nın Lojistik Sektörüne Etkisi
The paper "The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and Its Border Effects: How Can Europe Become a Better Neighbour?" is referenced in an article by Ekonomi Dünya.
Media Mention
European Council Think Tank Review – June 2024
Multiple ECIPE studies are featured in the Think Tank Review of June 2024 curated by the European Council
Media Mention
European Council Think Tank Review – May 2024
Two ECIPE studies are featured in the Think Tank Review of May 2024 curated by the European Council
Media Mention
Will Chinese auto investment jump Joe Biden’s tariff walls?
The ECIPE Policy Brief "Trading Up: An EU Trade Policy for Better Market Access and Resilient Sourcing" authored by Fredrik Erixon, Oscar Guinea, Philipp Lamprecht, Oscar du Roy, Elena Sisto and Renata Zilli is highlighted by Alan Beattie in his Trade Secrets of May 20th, 2024.
The urban legend of the EU’s digital economy reposted in Greek
Philipp Lamprecht and Oscar Guinea ECIPE blog post about the EU digital economy reposted by Greek newspaper, Liberal
Why the D9+ Group should provide stronger leadership in European digital policy
Oscar Guinea and Philipp Lamprecht published a blog post about EU digital competitiveness and the role for the D9+ countries for the Real Instituto ElCano think tank
A European industrial policy for services: the Single Market
Philipp Lamprecht, Erik van der Marel & Oscar Guinea write about Industrial Policy for Encompass
ZPP and ECIPE discuss new efforts to create the Digital Single Market
Fredrik Erixon and Philipp Lamprecht comment on the questions of what are the key areas for digital change in the near future and how can Europe make greater progress towards creating a Digital Single Market.
Book or Paper
Overcoming Barriers: How the EU Can Improve Trade Finance Access for Neighbouring Countries
Fourth paper crafted in collaboration with Bertelsmann Stiftung under the "Sovereign Europe: Strategic Management of Global Interdependence" project focusing on the relationships between the European Union (EU) and its neighbouring countries in financial services, with a particular focus on trade finance.
Book or Paper
Beyond Barriers: Rethinking CAP to Enable Agricultural Export Diversity in the EU Neighbourhood
Third paper crafted in collaboration with Bertelsmann Stiftung under the "Sovereign Europe: Strategic Management of Global Interdependence" project focusing on the EU’s agricultural trade relations with its neighbours.
Book or Paper
The Extraterritorial Impact of EU Digital Regulations: How Can the EU Minimise Adverse Effects for the Neighbourhood?
Second paper crafted in collaboration with Bertelsmann Stiftung under the "Sovereign Europe: Strategic Management of Global Interdependence" project focusing on the effects of EU Digital Regulation.
Book or Paper
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and Its Border Effects: How Can Europe Become a Better Neighbour?
First paper crafted in collaboration with Bertelsmann Stiftung focusing on CBAM.
Speech or Presentation
Digital Competitiveness of the European Union
Philipp Lamprecht presentation for his keynote speech during the Digital Competitiveness of the European Union conference organised by the Central European Lawyers Initiative on 12 June 2024 in Vienna.
Speech or Presentation
The EU’s Position on the WTO Reform and what’s ongoing
Philipp Lamprecht's presentation to CAITEC, MOFCOM, during a seminar on the theme of “World Trade Organization Reform and China EU Cooperation” held on 26th September 2019 at CAITEC in Beijing.
Speech or Presentation
Boosting Services Trade in the Digitalisation Era
Erik van der Marel and Philipp Lamprecht discuss how countries can reach and extend their digital services trade potential in a Webinar organised by the Bertelsmann Stiftung's Global Economic Dynamics (GED) project.