Filling the void: Can global private leaders replace government?
Last year, NASA launched its first human space mission from US soil since the end of the space shuttle program in 2011. For almost a decade, US astronauts had been dependent on Russian Soyuz...
Não permitam que dúvidas paralisem o acordo UE-Mercosul
Esse artigo de opinião teve a coautoria de Isabel Pérez del Puerto, jornalista e comunicadora em financiamento para desenvolvimento Há um ditado no mundo corporativo de que uma decisão ruim é...
Doubts Trap the Mercosur – EU Agreement
This opinion piece was co-authored with Isabel Pérez del Puerto, journalist and communicator in financing for development There is a saying in business that a bad decision is better than no...
Que las dudas no paren el acuerdo UE-Mercosur
La coautora de este artículo de opinión es Isabel Pérez del Puerto, periodista y comunicadora en finanzas para el desarrollo Dicen los expertos en negocios que una mala decisión es mejor que...
EU-Mercosur: (Why) Failing to Ratify is not Worth the Risk
The EU’s Agreement with Mercosur – which includes Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay - took twenty years to negotiate. Back in June 2019, there was a political ‘alignment of the stars',...
Industrial Policy: Europe’s (Second) Hamiltonian Moment
Thanks to Anna Guildea for helpful comments. Alexander Hamilton, Europe’s new inspirational hero, not just because EU members have agreed to issue debt collectively for the first time, but...
Transatlantic Tech Policy Cooperation: Add Coordination on Government Aid to the List
By Carl Schonander, Tech Policy Executive, Global Digital Finance Americas Consultant, Former U.S. Diplomat Last month, Daniel S. Hamilton and Joseph Quinlan released their annual survey...
Biding time for a new U.S. trade agenda
This note (originally published in print by the Global Commerce Institute in November 2020) looked at the direction of the U.S. trade policy under the new administration, immediately after the...
The indispensable four per cent
Radio access networks account for just 4% of operators’ cost. So how did it become a public policy discussion? In one of the more surprising news to come out of Sweden, we read that the CEO of...
Also-ran support for Open RAN
Once in a while, a topic that seems abstruse unexpectedly becomes a subject of broader public debate. When we published our paper on Open RAN, we thought only a handful telecom regulators would be...