4 Million Tonnes Additional CO2 due to Proposed EU Cabotage Laws in Mobility Package
In December 2019, after several years of curious negotiations, EU policymakers have agreed on a hazardous consensus on new rules for the EU’s CO2-intensive road freight transport sector. The...
The Entrepreneurial Society – A Reform Strategy for the European Union
On November 26, Niklas Elert, an economics scholar at the Swedish Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) presented 'The Entrepreneurial Society – A Reform Strategy for the European...
UK Election 2019 – What it Means for Brexit and Future UK-EU Relations
Introduction The result of the UK General Election means that the UK will leave the EU at the end of January 2020, ending at least four years of uncertainty on that particular question. The wider...
Three challenges for the new EU Trade Commissioner
Now that he took office, no shortage of work awaits Mr Hogan, the new EU Trade Commissioner. We review some of his key challenges. ‘I always seem to inherit a job when things are not going too...
EU Freight Cabotage: Will France Manage to Kick Eastern Europe out of the EU’s Single Market?
Current EU law severely restricts the transport of goods within a Member State by a truck operator from a foreign EU country. What is known as ‘cabotage regulations’ mandates foreign truck...
How did the GATT respond to the birth of the European Community?
A complex question covering signature of the Treaty of Rome, a Customs Union subject to specific GATT rules. It also raised the wider issue of how best to achieve European Integration. The...
Carbon border measures
Sandra Parthie, Head of Brussels Office at IW Köln, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft There seems to be renewed political appetite for a carbon border tax, judging from the political...
The eternal sunshine of an engineer’s mind: Germany looks to 5G security as a purely technical question
The EU 5G Risk Assessment and the German proposal to amend the security catalogue both recognise that protection of end-users depends on two different types of risks of both technical and...
Populist rhetoric in the EU debate over taxing corporations
On October 14, ECIPE hosted a seminar on Europe’s tax competitiveness. The aim was to outline new evidence for tax policymakers, with a focus on the characteristics of national tax systems and...
Bureaucracy implanted in EU Trade Agreements: Time for EU trade policy to act on low-hanging fruit
The use of EU free trade agreements by European exporters, particularly SMEs, is significantly restricted by excessive administrative requirements. A recent analysis by the Association of German...