OECD BEPS: Reconciling Global Trade, Taxation Principles and the Digital Economy
Following media reports on the low tax rates paid by some of the world’s largest multinationals, international tax reform has moved to the top of...
The Japan-EU Negotiations on Railway
Despite major advancements in the Japan-EU FTA (JEUFTA) negotiations, the talks remain difficult in the railway sector. These difficulties flow...
Mega-regional Trade Agreements: Implications for the African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries
In the wake of the ninth WTO ministerial conference in Bali, in December 2013, there is renewed optimism that the WTO can deliver something. The time...
Trade and Logistics: A “Bali Package” for the EU
Traditionally, the concept of trade costs for shipping goods has been centred on tariffs, quotas and other policies inhibiting exporting firms from...
Argentina, the Expropriation of Repsol YPF, and the Case for Improved Investment Protection Accords
Argentina’s expropriation of Repsol’s shares in the Argentinean energy company YPF sent chock waves through the international investment...
Biofuels Reform in the European Union: Why New ILUC Rules will Reinforce the WTO Inconsistency of EU Biofuels Policy
This paper takes stock of the proposals by the European Commission and members of the European Parliament to amend the Renewable Energy Directive...
Solar Panels, Telecommunication Equipment – and the “Modernisation” of EU Trade Defence Policy
Can trade defence instruments like anti-dumping and anti-subsidy/countervailing duties be smartly used to counter government subsidies distorting the...
Can Europe Overcome its Conservatism? – Future of Europe from a Japanese Perspective
The agenda of the recent European Summit shows that the discussion is no longer dedicated entirely to the Euro crisis, and the efforts to stabilise...
On Camels and the Making of EU Biofuels Policy
A camel, it is said, is a horse designed by a committee. It is certainly tempting to draw a parallel to the European Union’s biofuels policy and...
Openness in Public Procurement Markets: Time for a Reality Check
The European Parliament hearings on the Commission’s proposal for a “Regulation establishing rules on the access of third countries’ goods and...