Politics and the Creation of a European SEC: The Optimal UK Strategy – Constructive Inconsistency
This paper analyses the factors influencing whether a European Securities and Exchange Commission (ESEC) will be created and confirms the primary...
Preference Erosion and Multilateral Trade Liberalization
Because of concern that OECD tariff reductions will translate into worsening export performance for the least developed countries, trade preferences...
From Euro-Med Partnership to European Neighborhood: Deeper Integration à la Carte and Economic Development
The expansion of the European Union (EU) has prompted the development of a new approach towards deeper integration with its neighbors: the European...
AGOA and Apparel: Who Captures the Tariff Rent in the Presence of Preferential Market Access?
The United States grants preferential (tariff and quota free) market access to a list of products from eligible countries in sub-Saharan Africa...
Echoing Antidumping Cases: Regulatory Competitors, Imitation and Cascading Protection
This paper analyses how an antidumping procedure in one country may lead to identical procedures targeting similar products originating from the...