The Impacts of EU Strategy Autonomy Policies – A Primer for Member States
EU governments should be much more sceptical and critical of the EU’s strategic autonomy agenda and the new polices intended to achieve the EU’s...
Should the EU Pursue a Strategic Ginseng Policy? Trade Dependency in the Brave New World of Geopolitics
Political leaders all over the world are calling for strategic autonomy. The removal of critical trade dependencies has become a guiding principle...
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who Has the Fairest Clauses of Us All? Stress-testing the Application of Mirror Clauses to Pesticides
In less than six months, ‘mirror clauses’ have taken EU trade policy by storm. To inject ‘reciprocity’ in trading terms, the French...
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Taking Stock of Europe’s New Trade Policy Strategy
This Policy Brief takes stock of the EU Trade Policy Review – the Commission’s proposed strategy for trade. Despite appearances, the Review...
Europe and South-East Asia: Shifting from Diplomacy to Unilateralism
• The postponement of the planned ‘strategic partnership' between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the EU highlights deep...
Sweden, UK and the EU: Managing post-Brexit Relations and Defining a new Agenda for European Competitiveness
There is an urgent need to move on from the shock of the UK’s vote to leave the European Union, and all the melodrama in the past two years over...
Building Consistent Policies on Subsidies in the Film Industry: Institutions and Instruments in France and Korea
This paper explores a much-neglected aspect of cultural policies: the role of the institutions in charge and the way they use the instruments at...
The EU-Japan EPA – Freer, Fairer and more Open Trading System
In the context of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement soon to be concluded by both parties, ECIPE organized a high-level conference to...
Investment Openness in Europe: Investment Screening and Implications for EU-China Investment Relations
In the context of the proposal to establish an EU investment screening framework and the ongoing negotiations of the EU-China investment agreement,...
The Swiss Cheese of Trade Policy: The Case Against Product Exclusions in Trade Agreements
There have been calls to exclude certain products from trade agreements because they cause damages to public health or the environment. Lately,...