Latest Publications
What the 2018 (and 2020) Elections Mean for U.S. Trade Policy
The 2018 congressional elections put Democrats back in control of the House of Representatives, and thus returned divided government to Washington,...
Impasse in the WTO Dispute Settlement Body: Consequences and Responses
As the United States maintains its block on appointments of new members to the Appellate Body, there is growing concern about the pending...
The EU-Japan EPA – Freer, Fairer and more Open Trading System
In the context of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement soon to be concluded by both parties, ECIPE organized a high-level conference to...
The Cost of Fiscal Unilateralism: Potential Retaliation Against the EU Digital Services Tax (DST)
The EU is proposing a digital services tax (DST) to tax certain so-called ‘digital companies’, which it alleges access the Single Market while...
Investment Openness in Europe: Investment Screening and Implications for EU-China Investment Relations
In the context of the proposal to establish an EU investment screening framework and the ongoing negotiations of the EU-China investment agreement,...
Online Platforms, Economic Integration and Europe’s Rent-Seeking Society: Why Online Platforms Deliver on What EU Governments Fail to Achieve
Online platforms create “more perfect” markets. Online platforms are a market-driven cure to the imperfections of the EU’s incomplete Single...
5G and National Security: After Australia’s Telecom Sector Security Review
In August 2018, the government of Australia concluded its review of the national security risks of the telecom sector with the new 5G networks. The...
Cooperation in Europe’s Digital Economy: How do Countries Position Themselves?
Members of the European Union have different positions on matters of digital openness, and those differences typically reflect how the digital sector...
The Next Steps for the Digital Single Market: From Where do We Start?
Digitization has been a boon to the European economy. However, the Digital Single Market remains an aspiration rather than a reality, and European...
Do Data Policy Restrictions Inhibit Trade in Services?
This paper examines whether restrictive data policies impact trade in services over the internet. We have collected comparable information on a...