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Public Money for Public Goods: Winners and Losers from CAP Reform
Who will win and who will lose under the post-2013 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)? Will those member states that benefit most from the current...
Transparency of Complex Regulation: How Should WTO Trade Policy Reviews Deal with Sanitary and Phytosanitary Policies?
Protectionism flourishes in the shadow and withers in the sunlight. That is the idea behind the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) that...
Assessing International Trade in Healthcare Services
Many stories and anecdotal evidence document doctors and patients travelling across the globe to give and receive medical and cosmetic surgeries,...
A Blueprint for Reform of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture
As the Doha negotiations are at a dead end, Valentin Zahrnt addresses some fundamental questions about the future direction of WTO disciplines in...
The European Dairy Sector at a Crossroad: Production Quota and Export Refund Opting Out
The European Union (EU) reactivated export refunds for dairy products on January 2009. These world market distortive instruments had been previously...