Latest Publications
Trade in Services and TFP: The Role of Regulation
What determines services TFP: Is it services trade or services‐trade regulation? To respond to this question I use four indicators of...
Value For Money: Getting Europe’s Trade and IPR Policy Right
Few issues in trade and international commercial policy have in the past decade provoked as much contention as intellectual property rights...
Food Security and the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy: Facts Against Fears
Fears about food security in the EU have become a driving force in the debate about the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). But the facts do...
What Will Basel III Achieve?
The overhaul of regulation of financial services now under way, as it affects the capital adequacy framework for banks operating internationally,...
FTA Networking in East Asia and Asia-Pacific: Where Are We Going?
This paper provides an overview on the recent development of FTA networking in extended East Asia and assesses the quality of FTAs with novel...
Product Standards and Developing Country Agricultural Exports: The Case of the European Union
This paper shows that private product standards in EU food and agriculture markets can have significant trade effects. In particular for developing...
A Tale of Three Markets: How Government Policy Creates Winners and Losers in the Philippine Health Sector
For more than half a century the Philippines has been a leading exporter of human capital in the healthcare sector. This paper estimates that...
Measuring the Cost of International Trade in Services
We present a new dataset of international trade costs in services sectors. Using a theory-based methodology combined with data on domestic shipments...