Latest Publications
Preferential Agreements in Maritime Transport The Current and the Outdated
Every service market is very particular, with respect to its organization, rule-making, impediments to trade, and the degree of liberalization...
The Political Economy of Liberalising Air Transport in APEC: Regulatory Aspects and Negotiating Options
This study examines the role of regulation and remedial policies for the successful liberalisation of the air transport sector in the Asia Pacific...
Productivity of India’s Offshore Outsourcing Sector: Business-based Evidence
Following on an earlier paper discussing the sustainability of India's comparative advantage in IT offshore outsourcing, the authors pursue their...
The Common Agricultural Policy and the French, EU and Global Economies
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and EU membership have undergone big changes under the 2003 reforms. This has changed the incentives faced by...
Distribution of Agricultural Support: Selected French Evidences
This paper examines the French distribution of agricultural direct payments. It makes clear the institutional channels which aim at redistributing a...
The Quest for Gas Market Competition
More, not less, competition in the EU’s gas markets is required to achieve a Single Market and to therefore reduce Europe’s vulnerability to gas...
Protectionism Online: Internet Censorship and International Trade Law
Internet is a global market place. The rapid development of the Internet, and especially of Internet-based com- merce, has largely taken place...
The Optimal Basel Capital Requirement to Cope with Pro-cyclicality: A Theoretical Approach
This paper focuses on the role of the Basel capital requirement and proposes a new counter cyclical measure by use of a simple general equilibrium...