Latest Publications
The European Dairy Sector at a Crossroad: Production Quota and Export Refund Opting Out
The European Union (EU) reactivated export refunds for dairy products on January 2009. These world market distortive instruments had been previously...
Liberalising Air Passenger Services in APEC
This working paper aims at assessing the prospects for a more liberal air passenger transport regime in the Asia Pacific region under the auspices of...
The Basel Capital Adequacy Framework should be Reconsidered
The Basel capital adequacy framework that has guided bank regulation and supervision for nearly 20 years deserves serious attention when the world...
Europe’s Energy Dependency and Russia’s Commercial Assertiveness
Europe is dependent on Russia for its energy supply and finds itself at odds with designing a policy that addresses its rising number of concerns...
Reforming the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy: Health Check, Budget Review, Doha Round
This Policy Brief provides recommendations for agricultural policy reform in the EU. It argues, first, that all measures that distort market...
Russian Commercial Policies and the European Union – Can Russia be Anchored in a Legal International Economic Order?
Can Russia be brought to abide by international commercial rules? In ECIPE’s new Working Paper, Iana Dreyer and Brian Hindley discuss the isolation...
Liberalising Air Transport Services in APEC
This draft working paper represents work in progress aimed at assessing the prospects for a more liberal air passenger transport regime in the Asia...
European Financial Supervision in an Age of Growing Financial Integration: The Current Situation and the Outlook for Reform
This paper will first discuss how the current configuration EU financial market and supervision evolved in its historical setting. The paper will...