#ECIPEdebates: ISDS in TTIP – Should it Stay or Should it Go?
In his reply to our latest #ECIPEdebate, Simon Lester - trade policy analyst at Cato Institute - expresses the feeling that many of us share on the issue of ISDS.The inclusion of the...
Behind Global Trade Statistics
Do you sometimes wonder about the world trade statistics, published by the WTO? Behind the headline numbers, there is a lot to explore … Until 1995, when the GATS was added to the corpus of...
Why Italy Fails and Swedish Economists are Smug
Our friends at Bruegel posted a nice piece called "Why does Italy not grow?" which I missed when it was first published (until a chronically sleep-deprived friend posted it on her Facebook). The...
Competition Authorities Should Listen to Jean Tirole
By Maria Salfi (Intern at ECIPE) The recent Nobel Prize winner in Economics, Jean Tirole, has brought very important contributions to economics – and competition policy authorities should take on...
Cracking the Mainstream Notion of Fiscal Competition
by Maria Salfi (Intern at ECIPE) There is a general widespread notion within the European Union that a lower corporate tax rate can harm society. In fact, the European Commission strongly...
Railways Derailing EU-Japan Talks?
Since the mid-2000s, the EU has made the opening of public procurement markets one of its key priorities in the WTO and in the bilateral agreements it negotiates with the US and Japan. In this...
One Country, Two Internets: China and Hong Kong
Shenzhen, also known as China’s Silicon Valley, is located less than 30 km north of Hong Kong. As a leading ICT capital, Shenzhen’s economic growth is gradually catching up with Hong Kong –...
East African Community and the EU’s Economic Partnership Agreement: Do African Countries Suffer from the Victim Complex?
By Maria Salfi (Intern at ECIPE) A week has passed and the deadline to ratify the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) missed. African countries are at the borderline, giving up 12 years of...
#ECIPEdebates: Will Malmström Change the Course of EU Trade Policy?
Following the nomination of Cecilia Malmström as the new European Commissioner for Trade, ECIPE asked its Twitter followers whether the new Commission would change the course of EU trade policy. In...
#ECIPEdebates: Are EU Sanctions on Russia Working?
Following the agreement reached at the special European Council held on 30th August, the EU has announced the implementation – effective from today - of new sanctions against Russia. These will...