European Elections or: “how to learn to stop worrying and be positive about trade in the future”
With the elections for the European Parliament, multiple promises are made as politicians compete to gain voters and influence future policies. One might then ask, how will the outcome of these...
Myths Abound on Trade Policy
By Iain Murray, Competitive Enterprise Institute The global trading system that was set up after World War II and has been so successful in reducing tariffs around the world appears to be on its...
The Cost of Data Protectionism
* This blog is written together with Janez Kren, PhD candidate at the University of Leuven, who is a co-author of one of the studies presented below. Policymakers today have the difficult...
How to make trade policy cool (again) on social media?
Lucian Cernat*, Chief Trade Economist, European Commission A recent LSE blog points out that economists, unlike other social scientists, are bad communicators. That's probably true. Although,...
Why Trade-NOW?
Up until now, the debate about trade has been one-sided: It was mainly one side, which dominated the headlines and captured the hearts and minds of the public and stakeholders. As a result, the...
What We Talk about When we Talk about Trade
Commissioner Cecilia Malmström’s Communication on European trade strategy seems to have won praises from Brussels and the capitals, with at least one head of government (PM Cameron) hailing her...
China – Regionalism and Multilateralism
The history of international economic cooperation teaches us one important lesson: every form of cooperation will die – essentially if not formally – if it does not adapt to new conditions for...
The New Parliament and Economic Challenges
I was asked by the CASS Journal in China to give a few thoughts on what economic issues that the new European Parliament should address. Here's the short piece: The new European Parliament that...