Trade Policy and the Fight Against Coronavirus
The economic impact of the coronavirus or COVID-19 will be dramatic and long-lasting. Governments across the world have put in place extraordinary economic measures to support their health systems...
The UK up and running in the WTO: how fast, how far can it go?
After Brexit, our attention to UK trade policy has focused mostly on future FTAs, and in particular trade negotiations between the UK and the EU. But another front has quietly been...
Three challenges for the new EU Trade Commissioner
Now that he took office, no shortage of work awaits Mr Hogan, the new EU Trade Commissioner. We review some of his key challenges. ‘I always seem to inherit a job when things are not going too...
How did the GATT respond to the birth of the European Community?
A complex question covering signature of the Treaty of Rome, a Customs Union subject to specific GATT rules. It also raised the wider issue of how best to achieve European Integration. The...
Carbon border measures
Sandra Parthie, Head of Brussels Office at IW Köln, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft There seems to be renewed political appetite for a carbon border tax, judging from the political...
Time is running out to address trade frictions. For effective WTO reform to happen the US, EU and China need to live up to their responsibilities
All three of the WTO’s functions - administering multilateral trade rules, serving as a forum for trade negotiations, and providing a mechanism to settle trade disputes - are currently under...
The Reform of Special and Differential Treatment in the WTO
On October 7, ECIPE hosted a discussion on the reform of Special and Differential Treatment (STD) in the WTO. The event started with a presentation of a forthcoming paper by Ms. Inu Manak and Mr....
The future EU trade policy – what have we learned from the European Parliament hearings?
On October 2, a Commissioner-Designate for the DG Trade Phil Hogan has presented a list of strategic priorities for the next 5-year term in the office. Accordingly, one of his main focus areas will...
What does the future hold for US trade policy?
Last year was a difficult year for free trade and the international rules-based system. No doubt the US played an important role in this: It threatened old trade partners like Canada and the EU with...
How We Made a Top-Ranking Guide to Globalisation
By Melina Kolb, Digital Communications Manager at the Peterson Institute for International Economics The Peterson Institute recently experimented with creating its first longform online feature...