Winners and Losers of the Next CAP Reform
Valentin Zahrnt on the 2013 Common Agricultural Policy reform in the...
The Eastern European interest in EU agricultural subsidy reform
Valentin Zahrnt on the CAP in The Baltic...
Have tractor, will plough a policy rut
Valentin Zahrnt on the future of the CAP in the European...
Agrarsubventionen nur für öffentliche Güter
Valentin Zahrnt on agriculture in the...
The disappointing picture of EU trade
Valentin Zahrnt on the WTO's trade policy review in the European...
Should Environmentalists Adopt a Principled Position on CAP Reform or Compromise?
Valentin Zahrnton CAP in the...
Doha deal would aid many European farmers
Patrick Messerlin writes about the Doha meeting in Financial...
Fertile Ground for Farm-Subsidy Reform
Valentin Zahrnt on the future direction of European agricultural policy in the...
Le temps de la libéralisation unilatérale des échanges
Valentin Zahrnt in Les...