Não permitam que dúvidas paralisem o acordo UE-Mercosul
Esse artigo de opinião teve a coautoria de Isabel Pérez del Puerto, jornalista e comunicadora em financiamento para desenvolvimento Há um ditado no mundo corporativo de que uma decisão ruim é...
Doubts Trap the Mercosur – EU Agreement
This opinion piece was co-authored with Isabel Pérez del Puerto, journalist and communicator in financing for development There is a saying in business that a bad decision is better than no...
Que las dudas no paren el acuerdo UE-Mercosur
La coautora de este artículo de opinión es Isabel Pérez del Puerto, periodista y comunicadora en finanzas para el desarrollo Dicen los expertos en negocios que una mala decisión es mejor que...
EU-Mercosur: (Why) Failing to Ratify is not Worth the Risk
The EU’s Agreement with Mercosur – which includes Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay - took twenty years to negotiate. Back in June 2019, there was a political ‘alignment of the stars',...
Of debt and disease.
A street pharmacy in Tanzania (from author’s own archives) Debt relief is not a panacea to tackle the pandemic in the developing countries In midst of the corona-crisis, the world's twenty largest...
Compulsory Licensing of IP-protected Drugs: Colombia’s Panacea for Access to Better Healthcare Services?
On 30 May 2018, Colombia joined the OECD as the group’s 37th member. Prior to the country’s accession, the Colombian government implemented a number of reforms aimed at modernising its economy...
What’s the Economic Impact of Brexit and the US Withdrawal from TPP?
Dr Kenichi Kawasaki, Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo and a leading expert on quantitative modelling of trade liberalisation, revisited ECIPE on March...
So Who is Eating Argentina’s Lunch Now?
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the President of Argentina, was on fire that day, almost exactly a year ago, when she introduced the bill that would enable the government to grab the...
The New EU Strategy for Trade and Development
There are some interesting ideas and proposals in the European Commission’s new Communication on trade and development. After a decade as leader of aid for trade, the EU now wants to reform its...
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