Latest Publications
A Transatlantic Divide?
The TRIPs plus phenomenon (additional steps to strengthen the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) tends to be...
Trade Policy in Asia
Trade policy in Asia is dangerously unbalanced. It rests on a shaky leg of discriminatory bilateral and regional FTAs. Its other WTO leg has gone...
Assessing the EC Trade Policy in Goods
The recent shift in European trade policy to negotiate bilateral agreements with no less than 24 countries is taking Europe into dangerous waters....
Coping with Trade Liberalisation Adjustments
With the prospect of further trade liberalisation the question for developing and vulnerable countries of how best to manage the adjustment process...
Intellectual Property Rights, Pharmaceuticals and Foreign Direct Investment
In response to the challenges and opportunities of globalisation, the pharmaceutical sector has evolved to become one of the most dynamic and...
Emerging on the European Policy Radar: The Voluntary Sector
The voluntary sector, also known as “civil society” or the “third sector”, makes an important contribution to nearly every field of social...
Better Regulation in Europe – Current Legal Problems
“Better Regulation” is afoot in Europe. After several transatlantic conflicts over regulatory topics such as the precautionary principle,...
Taking Advantage of the Non-profit Sector’s Potential: Policy Priorities
This brief identifies the main priorities for public policy if European societies are to take advantage of the potential for the non-profit sector to...
Mobilizing Retired People in Ageing Societies on a Voluntary Basis
The rapidly increasing population of older retired people in Europe, largely financially secure and often in good health, should be recognized as a...