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Counting Regulatory Benefits and Costs: Lessons for the U.S. and Europe
In order to promote public understanding of the impact of regulations on consumers, business, and government, the American Enterprise Institute and...
AGOA and Apparel: Who Captures the Tariff Rent in the Presence of Preferential Market Access?
The United States grants preferential (tariff and quota free) market access to a list of products from eligible countries in sub-Saharan Africa...
Domestic Welfare Effects of Foreign Strategic Trade Policies
Within a duopoly strategic trade policy model, we analyze the effect of foreign strategic trade policy on domestic welfare when the domestic...
Injury-Based Protection with Auditing under Imperfect Information
We analyze optimal protection when a benevolent government must maintain non-negative domestic profits and when the domestic import-competing...
Echoing Antidumping Cases: Regulatory Competitors, Imitation and Cascading Protection
This paper analyses how an antidumping procedure in one country may lead to identical procedures targeting similar products originating from the...