Latest Publications
Trade Policy In The BRIICS: A Crisis Stocktake And Looking Ahead
The BRIICS – Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa - are the largest developing countries in their respective regions. A...
Ten Years of Anti-dumping in the EU: Economic and Political Targeting
The use of anti-dumping in the EU is justified on the grounds of eliminating injurious dumping by foreign firms and establishing conditions of...
Containing Creeping Protectionism: A Realist Agenda for the G20
The G20 summit in London offers an opportunity for world leaders to prevent a continued slide towards protectionism. Yet the summit is already at...
When to Privatize? When to Nationalize? A Competition for Ownership Approach
Theories of privatization or nationalization typically compare the economic or political efficiency of private and state ownership, either in...
The Baltic Tiger – The Political Economy of Estonia’s Transition from Plan to Market
Few countries have reformed their economies as swiftly and decisively as Estonia in 1992-94. The economic reform program started during the...
From Twin Towers to Fawlty Towers – a Story of the Doha Round (mimeo)
The Doha Round has yet again collapsed. The July 2008 attempt to negotiate a broad headline deal between the main member countries of the WTO failed....
Trade in Information Technology Goods: Adapting the ITA to 21st Century Technological Change
In this new ECIPE Working Paper, Iana Dreyer and Brian Hindley analyse the ITA’s structure and development. The ITA has been a great success, but...
Reforming the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy: Health Check, Budget Review, Doha Round
This Policy Brief provides recommendations for agricultural policy reform in the EU. It argues, first, that all measures that distort market...
Russian Commercial Policies and the European Union – Can Russia be Anchored in a Legal International Economic Order?
Can Russia be brought to abide by international commercial rules? In ECIPE’s new Working Paper, Iana Dreyer and Brian Hindley discuss the isolation...