Latest Publications
The Costs of Data Localisation: A Friendly Fire on Economic Recovery
This paper aims to quantify the losses that result from data localisation requirements and related data privacy and security laws that discriminate...
In Search of China’s Foreign Policy
This Policy Brief takes stock of recent developments and future trends in China’s foreign policy. It questions China’s progress in shaping its...
The “Repsol Case” Against Argentina: Lessons for Investment Protection Policy
Are Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) fit for purpose – to help resolving disputes between investors and states in an efficient, fair and...
The Japan-EU Negotiations on Railway
Despite major advancements in the Japan-EU FTA (JEUFTA) negotiations, the talks remain difficult in the railway sector. These difficulties flow...
After the Bali Agreement: Lessons from the Doha Round for the WTO’s Post-Bali Agenda
At the WTO summit in Bali late last year, trade ministers managed to clear the way for a new trade agreement. This is positive news – and it proves...
Mega-regional Trade Agreements: Implications for the African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries
In the wake of the ninth WTO ministerial conference in Bali, in December 2013, there is renewed optimism that the WTO can deliver something. The time...
What’s Next for EU-China Relations?
President Xi’s visit to Brussels prompts the question: are China and the EU willing to rekindle their relationship, to fuse it with other energy...
Russia, Crimea – and Europe’s Foreign Economic Policy
The European Union is the largest economy in the world. But it is not the most powerful. It has shown its capacity for economic statecraft by...
Investing in Obesity Treatment to Deliver Significant Healthcare Savings: Estimating the Healthcare Costs of Obesity and the Benefits of Treatment
Obesity rates in Europe have been growing at an accelerated speed in the past two decades. In the European Union, between 36.9% and 56.7% of all...
Nowhere To Go? Surveillance, Privacy Rules and Trade Talks
This policy brief outlines the chronology of the developments since Edward Snowden leaked the documents on large-scale electronic surveillance,...