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Whither the World Trade Organisation? Perspective of Key WTO Ambassadors on Current Challenges in Global Trade Talks
What are the challenges facing negotiators at the World Trade Organisation (WTO)? By the end of this year, Trade Ministers will meet in Nairobi for a...
“Splendid Isolation” as Trade Policy: Mercantilism and Crude Keynesianism in “the Capaldo Study” of TTIP
A recent study by Capaldo suggests that TTIP would have seriously negative consequences for trade, growth, income and employment in Europe. It has...
The European Union’s China Policy: Priorities and Strategies for the New Commission
The arrival of a new European Commission is a good opportunity for Europe to re-consider its policy vis-à-vis China. Under Xi Jinping, China is...
The “Google Case” and the Promotion of Europe’s Digital Economy
That the European Commission this week threw down the gauntlet to Google in its long-running competition investigation hardly came as a...
Sectoral and Plurilateral Approaches in Services Negotiations: Before and After TISA
by Michitaka Nakatomi, Consulting Fellow, RIETI With the stagnation of services negotiations under the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Trade in...
The Health of Nations: A Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agenda for Better Healthcare
Today, increases in the demand for healthcare are driving European governments to look for ways to control growth in healthcare expenditures and at...
Positioning on the Global Value Chain Map: Where do You Want to Be?
*Senior Economics at ECIPE in Brussels ( The author wishes to thank Maria Salfi for excellent research...
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: An Accident Report
This Policy Brief is co-authored with Bob Vastine and J Bradford Jensen The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was...
Familiar Fault Lines: The Myth of EP Independence in Economic Policy-making
The Lisbon Treaty expanded the scope and depth of the European Parliament’s powers by bringing the bulk of EU legislation under the ordinary...
“Rethink and Reset”: Time to Get Rid of The Stability and Growth Pact?
Christine Lagarde, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, recently asked for a “rethink and reset” of the numerical ceilings...