Latest Publications
A Retrospective on the Korean Film Policies: Return of the Jedi
The Korean film industry offers a remarkably successful and fascinating story all the more because it was largely unexpected. Almost totally...
The Japan-EU Negotiations on Railway
Despite major advancements in the Japan-EU FTA (JEUFTA) negotiations, the talks remain difficult in the railway sector. These difficulties flow...
A Trans-Pacific Partnership Worth its Weight in Gold – But What is Taking so Long?
A gold standard – nothing less. The expectations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership are high. TPP is central to the United States’ foreign policy...
A EU-Taiwan Trade Accord from EU Member States Perspective: Rebalancing regional trade
Following an FTA with Korea, the EU now takes up the ambitious task of negotiating an FTA with Japan. Inarguably, ‘big’ FTAs are the way forward...
Upholding Europe’s Mandate on Trade: The EU-Japan FTA
This paper concerns Europe’s ability to continue its trade strategy into large scale FTAs that are necessary to sustain EU industrial capacities....
Europe and the Asia Pacific
In this new policy brief Ambassador Dr Nelson describes a changing world order in which the Asia Pacific will come to play an even more influential...
Property rights, Consumption Growth and Consumption Volatility: Evidence from a Land Reform in Vietnam
During Vietnam’s transition from a socialist to a market economy, household’s property rights over agricultural land were considerably...
After Cross-Strait Rapprochement: A Conceptual Analysis of Potential Gains to Europe from China-Taiwan Economic Cooperation
Is it time for the European Union to revisit its trade policy strategy towards Taiwan? This paper takes a closer look at the potential effects on EU...
Will Asia Shape or Shake the World Economy?
Asia’s economic rise has changed the world economy – and will continue to do so in the future as well. George Magnus in his policy brief claims...