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What Power Shift to China?
As the west struggles under the double burden of anaemic growth and massive debt, the belief has become common that power is shifting to China. But...
FTAs and the Crisis in the European Car Industry
The crisis-struck EU finds it increasingly difficult to engage in trade negotiations with large-sized economies that would have a meaningful impact...
FUTURE-PROOFING WORLD TRADE IN TECHNOLOGY: Turning the WTO IT Agreement (ITA) into the International Digital Economy Agreement (IDEA)
Despite being an agreement designed for the fastest developing sectors, the signatories of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) in the World...
Indian Trade Policy After the Crisis
India, like China, had a “good” crisis; both have spearheaded exuberant post-crisis recovery in emerging markets. A combination of stable...
Chinese Trade Policy After (Almost) Ten Years in the WTO: A Post-Crisis Stocktake
China’s trade policy has shifted in the near-decade since it joined the WTO, argues Razeen Sally in a new study. It behaves more like a very...
Securing Korea’s Prosperity in the Next Century: An analysis of the Korea-EU Free Trade Agreement
Korea is a country at cross-roads. As a small but innovative economy, it has always depended on free trade for growth. But as it faces competition...
FTA Networking in East Asia and Asia-Pacific: Where Are We Going?
This paper provides an overview on the recent development of FTA networking in extended East Asia and assesses the quality of FTAs with novel...