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Vanika Sharma

Email: vanika.sharma@ecipe.org

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Areas of Expertise: Digital Economy WTO and Globalisation Far-East South Asia & Oceania

Vanika Sharma

Vanika Sharma is an Economist at ECIPE. She is a recent Master’s graduate from Sciences Po, Paris in International Economic Policy with concentrations in Global Risks and East Asia. Vanika also holds an undergraduate degree in Economics (Honors) from the University of Delhi. She has previously worked on research projects with UNDP China, Rhodium Group, and UNESCAP, and currently is a professor of Statistics at Sciences Po – Le Havre. Her research interests lie in international trade for development, with a focus on digital trade.

  • ECIPE Policy Briefs

    The Future of European Digital Competitiveness

    By: Oscar Guinea Vanika Sharma 

    Former Italian prime minister Mario Draghi’s recent report on Europe’s competitiveness lays bare the negative effects of overregulation in the EU economy and the underperformance of its digital sector. However, Draghi failed to draw connections between these two phenomena. The future of Europe’s competitiveness is inextricably linked to the future of its digital economy. Unfortunately, the economic contribution of Europe’s Information and Communication...

  • ECIPE Policy Briefs

    Reinventing Europe’s Single Market: A Way Forward to Align Ideals and Action

    By: Matthias Bauer Dyuti Pandya Vanika Sharma Elena Sisto 

    It is essential for EU institutions and Member State governments to shift their focus from the abstract concept of the "Single Market" to the concrete objective of "legal harmonisation in the EU." This transition represents a strategic realignment towards more pragmatic policymaking. Adopting a 28th regime to address national regulation discrepancies would align with this goal and enhance the Single Market's effectiveness in promoting economic growth and...

  • ECIPE Policy Briefs

    Calling on the EU-US Trade and Technology Council: How to Deliver for the Planet and the Economy

    By: Oscar Guinea Vanika Sharma Philipp Lamprecht Dyuti Pandya Oscar du Roy 

    This Policy Brief proposes the establishment of an agreement on conformity assessment between the EU and the US that covers machinery and electrical equipment. The initiative aims to increase the number of European and US conformity assessment bodies authorized to test and certify EU and US machinery and electrical equipment for exports into each other’s markets, without recognizing the equivalency or otherwise altering the product requirements in regulation,...

  • ECIPE Policy Briefs

    A Forward-Thinking Approach to Open Strategic Autonomy: Navigating EU Trade Dependencies and Risk Mitigation

    By: Matthias Bauer Oscar du Roy Vanika Sharma 

    For the EU, fostering economic interdependence is a more proactive and forward-thinking approach than resorting to defensive measures like eliminating alleged economic dependencies through restrictive regulations, as such actions would negatively impact Member States’ economies. The European Commission and some Member State governments keep pushing for “EU Open Strategic Autonomy”. Several EU laws have already been infused with the concept, resulting in a...

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