Oscar Guinea
Email: oscar.guinea@ecipe.org
Mobile: +34 667 422 803
Areas of Expertise: European Union EU Single Market Digital Economy Services
Oscar Guinea is a Senior Economist at ECIPE.
Oscar is the author of several studies in the field of international trade, digital markets, industrial policy, and healthcare. He contributes regularly to debates on EU trade policy in newspaper articles and seminars. His research interests include globalisation, technological change, economic dependencies, and European relations with the Mercosur countries. Oscar is the author of a regular column in the Spanish newspaper El País where he writes about EU trade and economic policy.
He joined ECIPE in 2018 having worked as an Economic Adviser at the Scottish Government in the Office of the Chief Economic Adviser. Prior to that, he worked for the European Commission (DG ENER) as a national expert on energy policy. Oscar has experience appraising and assessing regulation as a government economist and private consultant.
Oscar holds a MA in European Economics from the College of Europe and a MSc in Development Economics from the University of Sussex. He graduated in Economics from the University Autonoma of Madrid and was an international student in the University of Chile and the University of Macedonia.
ECIPE Policy Briefs
Securing Europe’s Future: Strengthening ICT Competitiveness for Economic and National Security
Europe’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector, including ICT manufacturing such as telecom equipment and electronic components, as well as ICT services such as software, telecommunication services, and data processing, is no longer merely an economic pillar but a strategic asset essential for national security and defence capabilities. This paper identifies two concerns linking technology and national security: the exploitation of ICT as a...
ECIPE Policy Briefs
The External Side of Europe’s Great Economic Transformation: International Trade in Services
Europe’s digital transition is starting to bear fruits. Europe’s economic landscape is becoming increasingly digital, with sectors like information and communication technology (ICT) capturing a growing share of EU GDP. This Policy Brief examines the impact of these economic shifts on Europe’s trade profile and the policies that the EU can pursue to support this transformation. Disclaimer: the views expressed herein are those of the author and do not...
ECIPE Policy Briefs
Keeping Up with the US: Why Europe’s Productivity Is Falling Behind
The European Union stands at a crossroads. For decades, the EU’s productivity growth has consistently lagged the United States, leading to slower growth in living standards and decline in global economic power. While short-term factors like the strong US fiscal expansion have widened the gap in nominal GDP growth in recent years, the fact is that Europe has trailed the US economic development for several decades and the root of the problem lies in deeper...
ECIPE Policy Briefs
Trading Up: An EU Trade Policy for Better Market Access and Resilient Sourcing
Europe’s competitiveness could be substantially improved by a trade policy that facilitates more trade and other forms of cross-border exchange. The evidence is clear: the EU trades less with the rest of the world than would be expected given the size of its economy. With 85 percent of global growth happening outside of the EU – and with an increasing share of all new technologies, innovations, patents, human capital, and R&D expenditure emerging in other...
Media Mention
The Mercosur-EU agreement as a model for open decarbonisation
The article cites ECIPE Policy Brief "European Economic Security and Access to Critical Raw Materials: Trade, Diversification, and the Role of Mercosur" by Óscar Guinea and Vanika Sharma in its text.
Media Mention
Los agricultores de la UE siguen considerando al Mercosur como una amenaza
Oscar Guinea comments in Argentina's Noticias Agropecuarias about the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement and its impact on the agricultural sector.
Media Mention
UE-Mercosur, un acuerdo que afianza la seguridad geopolítica y económica de Europa
Oscar Guinea comments in the EL PAIS about the EU-Mercosur deal.
Media Mention
Trump-UK trade deal on the table – but the EU could try and kill it
The Policy Brief "If the EU was a State in the United States: Comparing Economic Growth between EU and US States" by Fredrik Erixon, Oscar Guinea and Oscar du Roy is referenced in the Daily Express.
¿Por qué son tan difíciles de aplicar las “cláusulas espejo” con Mercosur?
Oscar Guinea comments in EFE Agro about the use of mirror clauses in the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement.
Acción y reacción en el comercio internacional
Oscar Guinea writes an opinion piece in El País about EU economic policy to prepare for Donald Trump's second term as US president.
From Compliance to Constraint: How Digital Regulation Impacts Productivity and Innovation in Europe
Fredrik Erixon and Oscar Guinea publish a new article in the latest EconPol Forum by CESifo analysing the EU-US productivity gap.
La parte contratante de la primera parte
Oscar Guinea writes for Spanish newspaper El País about the need to simplify the EU regulatory environment.
Book or Paper
The EU’s Productivity Performance: Falling Behind the Curve
Fredrik Erixon, Oscar Guinea and Oscar du Roy write an article for the EconPol Forum 03/2024 Journal from CESifo based on their study "Keeping Up with the US: Why Europe’s Productivity Is Falling Behind".
Book or Paper
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and Its Border Effects: How Can Europe Become a Better Neighbour?
First paper crafted in collaboration with Bertelsmann Stiftung focusing on CBAM.
Book or Paper
Open Strategic Autonomy: new tools for a geopolitical world
Oscar Guinea writes a chapter on the latest issue of "Información Comercial Española" published by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism.
Book or Paper
Exporting Distortions: Chinese Industrial Policy and the European Response
Oscar Guinea writes a chapter on China industrial policy and the European response on CIDOB's monography China's geoeconomic strategy and its implications for Europe
Speech or Presentation
Waiting for Draghi – Defining Europe’s Productivity Problem
Presentation by Oscar Guinea in the 20 June, 2024, ECIPE webinar.
Speech or Presentation
Strategic Autonomy and the Competitiveness of Europe’s Innovative Pharmaceutical Sector: A Wake-up Call
Oscar Guinea presents at the European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE)
Speech or Presentation
In Support of Market Driven Standards
Oscar Guinea presents his research on the EU New Standardisation Strategy at Orgalim
Speech or Presentation
EU Trade Dependencies
Oscar Guinea presents his research on EU trade dependencies to the European Chemical Industry Council.