Past Events
Supply Chain Security Initiatives and Trade Facilitation. Do Security Initiatives Deliver on Their Promises or is it Just Too Much and All Too Soon?
This conference will present a new comprehensive study on security initiatives by the National Board of Trade in Sweden, bring together world experts to scrutinize evidence concerning costs and benefits of security-chain initiatives, and offer practical and realistic advice on the way forward. The floor will be open to all present to discuss the delicate balance between security and facilitation.
Trade in Healthcare: Can Trade Remedy the Cost-Disease in European Health Care Systems?
As the first in an upcoming series, this conference launches ECIPE’s new project on trade and healthcare. In Europe, despite spiralling healthcare expenditures by national governments, health productivity continues to fall as beleaguered national health services struggle to cope with demand. Trade agreements say little about healthcare. Some international organizations are hostile to the idea of more trade in this sector, and err on the side of protectionism. Can the current crisis help understand how trade can be an integral part of healthcare provision? Presentations and papers from the conference>
The Multilateral Trade Regime: Which Way Forward? Discussion of the Report of the First Warwick Commission, 2007
The report of the first Warwick Commission was published in late 2007, with the aim of sparking a lively and positive debate about the issues facing the world trade system today. The Warwick Commissions have been charged with carrying out independent analyses of issues of global importance, with the goal of making practical and realistic recommendations about how to move them forward. This discussion taking place in Brussels is part of a process of testing their first report against the realities of global trade and the problems that policymakers face.
ECIPE Conference: Will Asia Lead?
Asia is again at the centre of the world economy and world affairs. While the post-war period saw the surge of Japan, the 1980s the rise of the so-called Asian Tigers, we are currently witnessing the emergence, or re-emergence of China, and to a certain extent also of India. This conference will discuss the main “macro” trends in Asia, both economic and political.
Should Europe Really Worry About Its Trade Deficit with China?
ECIPE invites you to a lunch discussion on EU-China trade and economic relations. In a new paper ECIPE’s Senior Fellow Andreas Freytag has analysed trade data to get a better understanding of what has happened in EU-China trade relations over the last decade. The result is surprising and challenges the established view that the soaring bilateral deficit is explained by currency manipulation.
Book Forum: “India, the Emerging Giant”
Professor Arvind Panagariya will present his latest book, “India, the Emerging Giant” at Book Forum organised by ECIPE in association with Sciences Po. Razeen Sally, Director of ECIPE, and professor Mathew Tharakan will comment and discuss this path breaking work, which constitutes a key to understanding the rise of India in the world economy.
The WTO: Past, Present and Future – Putting the Problems in Perspective
With a faltering Doha Round, the future of the multilateral trading system is at stake. Taking a historical perspective can be a useful way of bringing in new perspectives in current discussions on the future of the WTO. Reports will be presented followed by commentaries by key discussants.
Kazakhstan and the World Trade Organization: Foreign Economic Diplomacy and CIS Integration into the World Economy
This conference will take a comprehensive look at Kazakhstan, its WTO accession and integration into the world economy. Kazakhstan is hailed by the IMF and others as a success story in terms of ‘becoming a globaliser’, but what does this really mean? How might WTO accession facilitate the process and how will Kazakhstan’s choice of strategy affect this politically charged region?
ECIPE Conference: Trade Facilitation and the WTO: How to Foster Reform and Capacity in Developing Countries?
Trade facilitation initiatives hold greater potential benefits in terms of promoting trade, than many traditional market access initiatives. What is less clear is how this should be achieved . At this seminar, noted trade economist Michael Finger will present his new ECIPE study on the role of a WTO agreement in promoting trade facilitation. Finger outlines what measures would be of most benefit to developing and emerging markets and what would be feasible, before looking at the potential obstacles to a successful and meaningful WTO agreement. With contributions from high-level panellists, the debate should be stimulating, in this highly topical area of current trade negotiations.
The Role of Internet for Globalisation
Globalisation is often portrayed in the language of economics. Explanations of global economic integration in the last decades – a period when economic integration has been stronger than ever in economic history – often point to the increased use of comparative advantages. The seminar will be based on a new ECIPE studies examining policies that enable a stronger effect of internet services on globalisation.