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Past Events


    Venue: Brussels, Hotel Silken Berlaymont , Boulevard Charlemagne 11–19
    Speakers: Peter BalasnEwa BjörlingnFredrik ErixonnBrian HindleynHenrik IsaksonnLena JohanssonnPeter KleennJohan KrafftnPatrick MesserlinnCliff StevensonnHylke VandenbusschenEdwin Vermulst
    Time: 11:30

    The European economy has changed profile in the last decades. Globalisation has enabled firms in Europe – and all across the world – to enhance its production structure by breaking up the supply chain. Trade and sourced production are integral parts of the entire chain of production. We are trading in tasks rather than in finished goods.

  • Facing the Challenges of Globalisation – Electorate’s Responses in France and Sweden

    Venue: ECIPE, Brussels
    Speakers: Maria RankkanZaki Laïdi
    Time: 10:00

    Globalisation has put pressure on European governments to reform their economies. Yet change has been slow. Unemployment has been at unsustainable levels for decades. Sweden and France have recently changed governments and signalled a new direction for policy.

  • Summer reception

    Venue: ECIPE, Rue de Luxembourg 3, Ground Floor
    Speakers: Alan Beattie
    Time: 15:00

    The summer has arrived to Brussels – and ECIPE has just celebrated its first six months of existence. It would be a great pleasure for us to have you and other friends – old, new and future friends – at our Summer Reception to celebrate the arrival of summer (and of us...).

  • EU-Africa Trade Relations: Why so Difficult?

    Venue: ECIPE, Brussels
    Speakers: Peter Draper
    Time: 10:00

    In a new Jan Tumlir Policy Essay Peter Draper, a Senior Fellow of ECIPE and a Research Fellow of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), unfolds the current EPA negotiation process with clarity and subtlety.

  • ECIPE Book Forum: Good Faith in the Jurisprudence of the WTO

    Venue: ECIPE, Brussels
    Speakers: Dr. Marion PanizzonnRoderick Abbott
    Time: 08:45

    In a new book Dr. Marion Panizzon of the World Trade Institute in Bern analyses the case law of WTO dispute settlement practice to get a closer picture of the concepts of "good faith" in WTO jurisprudence.

  • Prospects for EU-Asia Free Trade Agreements

    Venue: ECIPE, Rue Du Luxembourg 3, Floor 1, Brussels
    Speakers: Razeen Sally
    Time: 12:00
  • European Union Policy Towards Free Trade Agreements

    Venue: ECIPE, Rue Du Luxembourg 3, Floor 1, Brussels
    Speakers: Stephen Woolcock
    Time: 12:00
  • The G-8 summit in Heiligendamm

    Venue: ECIPE, Rue Du Luxembourg 3, Floor 1, Brussels
    Speakers: Fredrik Erixon
    Time: 12:00

    In early June Germany hosts the annual G-8 summit. This summit meeting is an occasion for Germany to demonstrate the profile of its foreign economic policy. Germany is an inexperienced leader of multilateral economic policy, but has now stepped out of the post-Cold War context of entrenched regionalism.

  • Impacts of Free Trade Agreements – Lessons from Australia

    Venue: ECIPE, Rue Du Luxembourg 3, Floor 1, Brussels
    Speakers: Dr. Lisa Gopp
    Time: 12:00

    The Australian experience of Free Trade Agreements increasingly is relevant for Europe as the EU now has launched new FTA negotiations with several countries in Asia. Australia has been active on the FTA front in the Asian region. It has signed FTAs with Singapore and Thailand, and is currently negotiating with countries such as China and Japan.

  • Assessing Europe’s Trade-Policy Strategy

    Venue: Hotel Silken Berlaymont, Blvd Charlemagne 11-19 Brussels
    Speakers: Patrick MesserlinnGaspar FrontininJim Rollo
    Time: 15:00