Building Value: The Role of Trademarks for Economic Development
Investment in brands drives the allocation of resources in our economy. It increases competition, pushes firms to innovate, and decreases asymmetries...
The Bundes Cloud: Germany on the Edge to Discriminate Against Foreign Suppliers of Digital Services
Matthias Bauer and Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comment on Germany’s new guidelines for government procurement of digital services. In this paper, the...
“The Logic of Zero”: Boosting SMEs Trade in TTIP
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has several novelties. One is that it will include, for the first time in a free...
“Splendid Isolation” as Trade Policy: Mercantilism and Crude Keynesianism in “the Capaldo Study” of TTIP
A recent study by Capaldo suggests that TTIP would have seriously negative consequences for trade, growth, income and employment in Europe. It has...
The Health of Nations: A Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agenda for Better Healthcare
Today, increases in the demand for healthcare are driving European governments to look for ways to control growth in healthcare expenditures and at...
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: An Accident Report
This Policy Brief is co-authored with Bob Vastine and J Bradford Jensen The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was...
What if the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is not a doomed initiative – and what if it will actually make inroads into modern trade problems? The...
Cities and the Wealth of Nations: How can Helsinki, London, Paris and Stockholm prosper from TTIP?
The two major forces shaping the global economy are globalisation and urbanisation. Both these forces have both contributed to a much greater role of...
Demystifying Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)
Investor-State Dispute Settlement, a legal provision in Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) or other International Investment Agreements that gives...
Mega-regional Trade Agreements: Implications for the African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries
In the wake of the ninth WTO ministerial conference in Bali, in December 2013, there is renewed optimism that the WTO can deliver something. The time...