Nowhere To Go? Surveillance, Privacy Rules and Trade Talks
This policy brief outlines the chronology of the developments since Edward Snowden leaked the documents on large-scale electronic surveillance,...
A Trans-Pacific Partnership Worth its Weight in Gold – But What is Taking so Long?
A gold standard – nothing less. The expectations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership are high. TPP is central to the United States’ foreign policy...
Ideas for New Transatlantic Initiatives on Trade
The US and the EU have the capacity to play a leading role together in promoting international trade liberalisation. They remain the economic giants...
Public Support for Trade Policy
Public opinion data suggests that people on both sides of the Atlantic are committed to free trade in principle, but advocate protection...
The Multilateralism Conundrum: International Economic Relations in the Post-hegemonic Era
Examining the systemic malaise from which the Doha Development Round and the WTO suffer, this working paper, produced for the Transatlantic Task...
Is the Renminbi Undervalued? The Myths of China’s Trade Surplus and Global Imbalances
Alarmed by the persistent and large US trade deficit vis-à-vis China and the rapidly swelling Chinese foreign exchange reserves, influential US...
A New Trade Agenda for Transatlantic Economic Cooperation
Few policy issues in Brussels and Washington DC are met with such a compact unity across political boundaries as the idea of deepened transatlantic...
A Transatlantic Divide?
The TRIPs plus phenomenon (additional steps to strengthen the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) tends to be...
Germany and the G-8 Presidency
Germany’s G-8 Presidency occurs in a formative period for German foreign economic policy. It is about to step out of the post-Cold War order, but...