The eurozone isn’t about to collapse – it’s worse than that
The study "If the EU was a State in the United States: Comparing Economic Growth between EU and US States" is mentioned in an article by The...
Analüütikud on eelarvereeglite reformi suhtes eriarvamusel
Fredrik Erixon interviewed by Estonian TV about EU fiscal reform...
The Changing Geography of Finance. Shifting Financial Flows and New Hubs: Shanghai and Paris?
A new publication by Miriam Campanella on the recovery of the global economy and cross-border capital...
“Threats to Liberal Democracies”
Matthias Bauer talked about "Economic Populism" on the 2017 "Bridging Gaps Conference" in Erfurt,...
Die Rolle von NGOs in der TTIP-Debatte
Matthias Bauer's presentation at an event on "NGOs - Die fünfte Gewalt? Über die Rolle von Kampagnenorganisationen in der...
The Brexit Dividend – Reflections on the EU Commission’s Reflections on A Deeper and Fairer Economic and Monetary Union
Matthias Bauer's main points regarding the EU Commission's Reflections on A Deeper and Fairer Economic and Monetary...
Is Merkel Squandering Germany’s Economy?
Fredrik Erixon writes for Carnegie Europe about the German...
ECB Goes East for Rate Debate in One of Euro’s Top Fanclubs
Fredrik Erixon comments in Bloomberg ECB debate about winding down monetary...
Malta Takes the Reins of a Frayed and Anxious European Union
The New York Times speaks to Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on the frail state of the union as Malta assumes EU...
Renzi Resigns
Fredrik Erixon talks to the Spectator about the resignation of Italian PM...