The Case for a European Data Policy
By Richard Robert, Executive Director, ParisTech Review The digital single market is a fact. Neither a project, nor an ambition, just a fact. Only thing is, it is in no way limited to European...
Data Localisation Requirement in Russia: A Self-imposed Sanction
In recent years, data localisation requirements have become one of the main threats to the open trading system. As cross-border data flows are integral to a modern economy, restricting the movement...
Are Europeans Ready to Embrace the Digital Society?
By Alastair Reed, Renaud Thillaye, Policy Network The European Commission has just set out bold ambitions for a digital single market but achieving the buy-in of member states for pan-European...
Corporation Tax and the Digital Single Market
By Diego Zuluaga, Institute of Economic Affairs & EPICENTER Tax policy has featured prominently in discussions of the EU’s digital economy for some time. Unfortunately, much of the...
Net Freedom Instead of Net Neutrality For a Successful Digital Market
By Cécile Philippe, Director, Institut économique Molinari The Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy for Europe includes several initiatives to be delivered by the end of 2016. Among them, an...
Europe and the Digital Economy: How can it Expand Faster?
Europe, it is said, is a digital laggard. In some ways, it is obvious. Access to superfast mobile or broadband access, for instance, is poor in many parts of Europe, including regions that consider...
Who in Europe is Successful in Exporting in Digital Sectors?
Earlier this month the European Commission presented its new strategy of the Single Digital Market. Several of DG Connect’s most important goals are to give everyone a fast connection to an open...
Old Problems in the New World: Banking and Payments Make Global E-commerce Surprisingly Local
By Sara Holmberg, Research Assistant at ECIPE Imagine a small village in rural Kenya. Imagine 20 women who make traditional jewellery. Now, imagine the solar panels on their roofs, the laptops and...
The Costs of Data Localisation: Country Reports
Last month, we published a paper that aimed to quantify the losses that result from data localisation requirements and stringent data privacy and security laws. The study looks at the effects of...
E-health Solutions: is the EU Moving in the Right Direction?
Technology-based innovations are often seen as a luxury and the healthcare sector is not an exception. However, recent technological innovations, coupled with increasing broadband coverage and...